Other Resources:
Business Resource LineProvided by The Small Business Development Center, U.W.-Stevens Point 24 hours a day * 7 days a week 1-800-487-7389 or 715-346-4704 Clark County Economic Development Corporation & Tourism Bureau Shelia Nyberg - Executive Director
301 N.
P.O. Box 236
Loyal, WI 54446
715-255-9100 Telephone
715-255-9153 Fax
Chippewa Valley Technical Collegeshelia@clark-cty-wi.org www.clark-cty-wi.org Chippewa Falls & Neillsville Center Tim Shepardson 620 W. Clairemont Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54701-6162 715-833-6245 Fax: 715-833-6470 www.cvtc.edu tshepardson@cvtc.edu
Chippewa Valley Technical College
Neillsville Center 11 Tiff Avenue, Neillsville CVTC Neillsville Center 715-743-3965
Forward Wisconsin, Inc
Indianhead Community Action Agency201 W. Washington Ave., Suite 500 Madision, WI 53703 - 270 Toll Free: 1-800-669-1190 Fax: 608-261-2518 www.forwardwi.com info@forwardwi.com The Indianhead Community Action Agency has a Job and Business Development Program that provides assistance with business plan development, finance, bookkeeping, marketing, and all other areas in which the get business started. P.O. Box 40, 209 E. 3rd St. South Ladysmith, WI 54848 715-532-5594 info@indianheadcaa.org or busdevlp@ricelakeinter.net
Service Core Of Retired Executives
While Fortune 500 companies may have mentoring programs, many small businesses don't. Get a CEO coach. Skilled counselors such as those at SCORE can help you learn how to take you company to the next level. Since 1964, these counselors have assisted more than seven million aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners through counseling & business workshops. 1-800-634-0245 www.score.org 44 W. Grand Ave. Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495 715-422-5118
Fax: 715-422-5119
Small Business Administration409 Third Street, S.W. Washington D.C. 20416 www.sba.gov http://web.sba.gov/list
University Of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Small Business Development
Center Jim Mishefske, SBDC Director Marilyn Kanne, Program Manager Karen Konz, University Services Program Associate
Business Development Center Michelle St. Clair 800 Wisconsin St., Mail Box 9 Eau Claire, WI 54703 715-836-2918 Fax: 715-836-2918 mstclaire@wcwrpc.org Wisconsin's Website for comprehensive local, state, and national business resources. http://helpbusiness-wi.com 608-263-0398 www.wenportal.org info@wenportal.org Arlene Scalzo - Community Development Officer 1-800-334-6873 Ext. 623 www.wheda.com asalzo@mail.state.wi.us
Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corp (WWBIC)
of the state's microlenders for business loans up to $50,000.00. Jodi M. Sturgeon - Vice President Of WWBIC 414-263-5450 jodi.sturgeon@wwbic.com |